
HRD Framework

Part One — HRD Framework

5 min readAug 18, 2020


Introduction: Success is inevitable only if the firm takes some early initiatives in order to uplift the skills and talent of their employees. We all are accountable to our organization — in many ways with whatever title we are working. HRD framework is one part of that accountability which comes to rescue when organizational enhancements in quick time could be a success parameter. It delivers a strategy which works in alignment to a long/short term objective of the organization. A lot can be achieved while practicing HRD framework technique but before that let us see some crucial WHAT and WHY

What — HRD is a framework which is employed by the organization to help their employees to have a skill-set, knowledge, abilities which are either mandatory for business success, in demand or can motivate & help to retain them for longer time.

Why — both the parties withdraws benefit from it, the organization gets most efficient workforce who can contribute towards achieving set goals and target whereas employees get equipped to new skills set which give them a sense of confidence.

4 Stages of HRD Framework

To achieve a bigger objective of organizational growth with motivated staffs the firm/organization follows 4 stages of HRD framework namely –

Assessment — it means to understand where the firm is lagging behind and what action could resolve the issue. It is very crucial to highlight the purpose before some actions could actually be taken. In addition to this, the NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE GAP is crucial to ascertain. In the very first stage the concerned management tries to find all sorts of feasible tasks and actions which could lead to success.Let us see what practical statements could fall under this category –

o How many employees need to have training

o How long the training process should go

o Tools and Skills definition

o Trainers role to be defined

o What the firm is expecting from their staffs/employees

o Either new or existing employees need training

At the end of first stage the organization has a clear picture of ‘How’ and ‘What’ to be targeted.

Design — when you know your weak points, the very next action is to design a program which provides a meaningful training and development methods. Here, design means to integrate business plan and goals to the forms HRD process. It also answer the training content and feasible delivery method to fulfill the objective. Let us see what practical statements could fall under this category –

o The overall objective to achieve at the end of this stage

o What will be the lesson plan

o Do we need to develop or acquire the training materials

o Do we need a trainer or a leader

o What form of training and methods should we select

o Program scheduling and resource accumulation

Implementations — after all the analysis and consideration regarding goals and needs are done, the third phase begin to adopt the most convenient and feasible one out of many proposed approaches and techniques. We all know that there cannot be a one fit solution to all problems but in this stage the best recommended and tested approach is adopted, also full focus is laid upon the actual training.Let us see what practical statements could fall under this category –

o Type of training like OJT (On job training), of job training, Apprenticeship training, distance based, simulated or computer based training.

o Based on any training method what all resources are needed

o Make employees aware of training program (both technically and functionally)

Evaluation — the last phase tries to find whether the expected and actual results are in sync or not. In spite of being a last phase it is very crucial as this phase reveals the effectiveness of the HRD intervention. The phase is mandatory but the output of the phase is need and organization specific. Every organization has a predetermined success criteria which is evaluated at this stage

Part Two — Case scenario

Quick brief — United Health Group aka UHG is a health care company based in Minnesota US, it operates from Bangalore INDIA at multiple locations. The case study tries to find out every aspect of HRD framework which the company applied before starting a project in its Bangalore center.

UHG is a health care provider for US citizens

Assessment — The Company identified some shortcomings in their way of doing business, they were working with an old process which was time consuming and could lead to success rate of nearly 72–81%. To acquire a new process for an existing project was a risk and so they form a dedicated team who could lead them in their path of success using the HRD framework. A complete analysis was done in terms of

- Hiring new professionals with varying years of experience

- How many professionals to be trained (they hired 2% more than what they actually need)

- Professionals mainly with skills related to business documentation and analytics

- Duration of training

- Trainers availability

- Resources needed

- Application training

Design — the training program was designed for a period of 6 months, before the team actually gets to the floor and work on some real cases. With an intention to design the program they have added some buffer time after the training during which the team will work on few live cases, the SME’s would suggest them with best or suitable action lists under every scenario. Since it was a classroom training, they have to consider the action plan on a monthly basis, based on which they may gauge the success criteria. SME’s were categorized based on their skills set who could handle the newly hired professionals, the decided to have tools training after 2 months of theoretical training so that the candidates could understand and relate. They have implemented a test procedure after every week so as to find the least deserving ones (this was good as they have surplus individuals).

Implementation — the training was theoretical for first 2 months where the trainers and SME’s teach in detail about the process, all possible scenarios or cases and how to deal with them. To make candidate refresh there were several fun activities to make learning interesting. The session were very education friendly because a lot to know and learn about the US healthcare was there to learn and grow. The test were to analyze the overall learning, and candidates who were struggling to understand the concept were given some extra efforts. The trainer use to solve and explain a live case after the month of theoretical session. After 2 months the candidates were given practical exposure, they were now working on some low severity cases, which was assigned to some senior teammates. The 4 months of practical was very engaging, countless doubts and feedback between the candidates and trainers were really helpful. At the end of training session, a lot has been learnt about the process.

Evaluation — the company has hired 20% more and at the end of training there were exact number of candidates who were completely trained to work on new set of tool and skill. This was something the firm was looking, in addition to interested candidates they were also targeting upon the number of worked cases in the couple of initial months which was again as per their initial analysis.

