4 min readMay 11, 2020


I am using PHOTOSHOP since 2016, so far I have worked on some crucial assignments, freelance design works, several photo edits to name a few. With such amount of time spent I found I am accustomed of the tool. The in-built features and functionalities of the tool start to reflect in my behavior sometimes in real life. Which gives a smile on my face, also it became a gateway for me to enter into the design world? By the way, I am currently into the process of learning MOTION GRAPHICS, did you hear that, MOTION GRAPHICS, yes MOTION GRAPHICS in BOLD.

So this article tries to highlight PHOTOSHOP FEATURES, I wish exist in real life. If it happens the human life could be enhanced.


MODE CHANGE — Our life is full of MODES; I mean there is so much happening in our life all the time. The COVID 19 pandemic is one such incident which has changed our lifestyle. If you compare it with today we can easily find out the changes, we have become more cautious and protective. This swing is behavior is nothing but a change in MODE. In real life we can’t predict the when things will change or improve, but my dear in the world of PHOTOSHOP believe me things get sorted out quickly with right time remedy. All you need to change the MODE to fit the situation.

from B&W to color and vice versa. There are several other modes available

LAYER MASK — Each one of us have multiple layers, which is nothing but the personality or behavior we showcase while interacting with people around us (which can be anything from family, friends to job). We often find it difficult to manage each one of them, what if a feature like LAYER MASK could be available in our real life. They protect certain portion from getting over exposed or under exposed (in common term we can say damage). This masking technique generates Trust, relationships, innovations and productivity. You guys can understand what importance the above terms hold in our life. Either in real life or in PHOTOSHOP it saves us from numerous re-works. Consider the below image to better understand the importance of LAYER MASK in life.

something suitable can be placed behind without damaging the front image

AUTO ENHANCEMENT — One can easily understand what effect this feature can create in our day to day life. Countless pictures and files of what we use finally met their fate by settling down in the BIN. I wish features like Color adjustment, color balancing, brightness/contrast, and curve and level adjustment. Have a look at the below image –

enhance your moments

TYPOGRAPHY — An issue of poor handwriting is something we have encountered in our early school or college life, for many of us the issue is still there. What if we can quickly change our handwriting as per the need, I mean to say in office we stick to Helvetica, Calibri or Arial for our work. When moving to house or with friends we can choose some funky fonts like Candlescript, Papyrus and others. This can be easily done with the TYPOGRAPHY features of PHOTOSHOP if it were present in reality. Also to add colors to the font is commendable. Here is how it looks, refer the below image –

different typography styles

PATCHING — This feature holds a great importance if present in real life, we often feel either we or somebody else are misplaced. I mean to put the right person or thing at right place or replace it with something better. But we cannot help our self that easily in real life and so the PATCH tool will be an advantage if added to real life. Have a look at below image to understand its behavior –

unwanted things are removed in time

EDITING — We need money to build a better living so does every other person out there. This often leads to several undesired issues which nobody wants to deal. The feature would be worth a million if it exist in real life, in PHOTOSHOP we call it as EDITING. Generally to make something better we use this feature. Have a look at below image to understand my thoughts –

an image showing editing


We have seen some interesting things; this is my personal observation which took the form of this article after years of working. There are several other features available, but in my understanding i considered the one mentioned above.

Thanks for spending time

